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Student Printers and Printing

Designated printers for student use are in the following locations:

  • Annex Student Computer Lab
  • 4th Floor Library (next to the library circulation desk)

Sending and Releasing Print Jobs from the Printer Queues

(From the computer lab computers or personal laptop after you have installed the “Global-BW and Global-Color” printer queues)

  1. Once you have successfully sent your print job to the desired printer queue (Global-BW or Global-Color), go to the designated labeled Global-BW-Hold or Global-Color-Hold printer and tap your Capital ID Badge over the card reader, located to the left of the touchscreen panel on the printer.
  1. If prompted, enter your capital username only and password (same as email password) in order to associate your credentials to your ID badge, and press the “Save” button. This is a 1-time process.   After a few seconds, you will be logged in and will see on the display screen your held items in the designated printer queue that you sent your print job to.
  1. Select the desired print job(s) and select the “Print” button. Your print jobs will then process, be released from the print queue, and print out.  After finishing, you can either swipe your badge again to “sign out” of the printer or press the “sign out” button at the top left corner of the display screen.

Installing Global-BW and Global-Color Printer Queues on Laptops

Please Note: You must be in the building & connected to the wireless network on your laptop when following the instructions:

If you have any issues with printer queue installation or releasing your print job(s) from the printers, please email us at: