On Campus Recruiting: For Employers
The formal Fall and Spring On-Campus Recruiting programs are an opportunity to visit the Law School and meet our most qualified students.
The Fall On-Campus Recruiting Program is held from August through October each year. The program is open to all upper-division law students in the full-time and part-time J.D. program. Alternatively, the Spring On-Campus Recruiting Program is held from February into March. The program is open to all full-time J.D. students and upper-division part-time J.D. students.
Beyond our formal programs, you may visit our campus at any time to interview students. We ask that you give us two weeks’ notice so that we can inform students, collect materials for your review, and set a schedule.
The Office of Professional Development uses Symplicity to coordinate our on-campus interviews including collecting application materials and setting interview schedules. All services are free.
Each fall, employers may conduct on-campus interviews with law students for summer and permanent employment. The fall OCI Program offers three sessions:
- Fall 2023 OCI August: August 7 – August 11
- Fall 2023 OCI September: September 6 – September 22
- Fall 2023 OCI October: October 2 – October 27
To register, log onto Symplicity, click on OCI from the left menu, then Schedule Request. When the page refreshes, click Request a Schedule in the middle of the page to view the online form.
If you are unable to interview during one of these sessions this fall, we would be happy to schedule an interview date when it is more convenient for your organization. Feel free to contact Assistant Dean Shawn Beem to discuss options (Email or 614-236-6889).
Please note that you will have 100 percent prescreening rights and may select as many or as few students to interview as you would like. We will set your interview schedule based on the number of students you select as well as any other reasonable schedule requests.
A Resume Collect offers a solution for employers who are unable to interview on campus or virtually that but would like to consider CapLaw students for summer or permanent employment. Through Symplicity, you will be able to post your resume collection online, accumulate resumes through the date of your choice, and then generate a resume booklet for review.
To post a Resume Collect, log onto Symplicity. Select Job Postings from the left side menu, then Job Postings from the submenu. When the page refreshes, click the Post a Job button in the middle of the page and complete the form. Be sure to select the option to Accumulate Resumes Online.
Our Spring 2024 On-Campus Interviewing Program will take place from February 12 to March 1, 2024. Registration will open in November 2023.
Nondiscrimination Policy
The use of the Office of Professional Development is restricted to those who agree to abide by the Office of Professional Development’s policies and procedures including the University’s nondiscrimination policies:
- Capital University Policy No. 305, “Nondiscrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Policy”
- Capital University Policy No. 300, “Sex or Gender-Based Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct Policy”
- Capital University Policy No. 100, “Diversity Statement”
- Capital University Policy No. 105, “Human Dignity Policy”
See, http://www.capital.edu/Policies-and-Handbooks/.
In accordance with Capital University’s nondiscrimination policies, Capital University Law School provides equality of opportunity in legal education for all persons including faculty and employees with respect to hiring, continuation, promotion and tenure, applicants for admission, enrolled students and graduates without discrimination or segregation on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, handicap or disability, or sexual orientation. Capital University Law School pursues a policy of providing its students and graduates with equal opportunity to obtain employment without discrimination or segregation on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, handicap or disability, or sexual orientation except as mandated by Ohio or Federal Law.
Unpaid Opportunities
Any position posted as "Unpaid" is presumed to be in compliance with all applicable federal and state wage and labor laws.
More Information
If you would like to learn more about our on-campus recruiting options, please contact Assistant Dean Shawn M. Beem (614-236-6888 or sbeem@law.capital.edu).