Scholarships are a vital part of Capital University Law School’s efforts to contain the rising cost of a legal education.
Many of these scholarships would not exist without the generosity of alumni and friends of the Law School.
Create a new scholarship
You can make a difference by contributing to existing scholarships and funds at the Law School. But creating a new scholarship has unique rewards.
Support an existing scholarship
Ackerman-Gemmette Scholarship
- Demonstrated interest in advancing the rights of bisexual, gay, lesbian and transgender individuals in the U.S.
Winston C. Allen Scholarship
- Evening student, based on financial need and merit
Thelma Johnson Berry Memorial Scholarship
- African-American law student, based on financial need and merit
Beverly C. Bishop Memorial Scholarship
- 3rd-year law student
- Exemplifies Ms. Bishop's love of life and desire for learning
Gretchen O. Brown Memorial Scholarship
- Second-year evening female student
Joseph A. Brunetto Award for excellence in the Study of Law
- Academic merit in the study of law at the Capital University Law School
- Preference shall be given to a student who graduated from Bexley High School, who received an undergraduate degree from Capital University, and/or who is from Bexley, Ohio.
Capital University Law School Minority Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Gives financial assistance to students of color with demonstrated financial need
Capital University Paralegal Scholarship
- Applicants admitted to the J.D. Program who also hold a Paralegal Certification from Capital University will be considered for the Capital University Paralegal Scholarship
- Paralegal Program administration nominates a recipient for the award
John M. Caren Memorial Scholarship
- Based on merit and financial need
Ernest & Elizabeth Clarke Scholarship
- Awarded based on merit and financial need
Class of 1973 Scholarship
- In support of future law students
Class of 2003/Dean Steven C. Bahls Scholarship - Book Award
- Upper-class students to assist with law book expenses
- Demonstrated financial need
Class of 2005 Students Giving Back to Students Merit Scholarship Fund
- Merit scholarships to graduating year part-time and full-time law students
- Based on academic performance and active extracurricular participation at Capital University Law School
- Demonstrated financial need
Class of 2006 Students Giving Back to Students Merit Scholarship Fund
- Graduating year part-time and full-time law students
- Based on overall active extracurricular participation at Capital University Law School
- Demonstrated financial need
Class of 2007 Students Giving Back to Students Merit Scholarship Fund
- Actively engaged in extracurricular activities or as an active member of a student organization
- Received less than 10 percent of their law school tuition in scholarship awards
Class of 2009 Students Giving Back to Students Merit Scholarship Fund
- Student entering final year of study who has shown academic improvement
Class of 2010 Students Giving Back to Students Merit Scholarship Fund
- Student entering final year of study who has received less than 5% of tuition in scholarship
Dean's Scholarship
- Applicants are considered for this scholarship automatically as part of the application to Capital University Law School
- Awarded based on academic merit and overall quality of an applicant's background and experience as presented in the admission application material
- Renewable each academic year provided the recipient maintains a 2.5 cumulative GPA
- Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and vary in amount
Addison & Ruth Dewey Scholarship
- Capital University graduate with financial need
Brian A. Freeman Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Constitutional Law
- Merit scholarship for a student who has excelled in Constitutional Law I and II
Ronald I. Friedman Memorial Scholarship
- Demonstrated financial need
- Exemplifies Professor Friedman's interests in promoting Hispanic-American culture, his vision of a diverse legal community within the Law School and his commitment to ethics and professionalism in the law
Albert B. Gregg Memorial Scholarship
- Interest in public interest law
- Priority given to students who serve as unpaid interns in public interest law
Hugh Huntington Scholarship
- Evening law student with demonstrated financial need
Noah J. Kern Memorial Scholarship
- Demonstrated financial need and aptitude for the law
Law Alumni Association Scholarship
- Based on merit and financial need
Law Review Executive Board Scholarship
- Awarded annually to the most outstanding law review staff member as determined by the current executive board
Metcalf Merit Scholars Fund
- Upper-class students who have selected advanced course work in the area of probate law
Miami University Alumni Scholarship
- Awarded to alumni of Miami University who attends Capital University Law School
The Farnham E. Mosley Scholarship
- Upper-class, evening student
- Based on academic merit
The Emmanuel Olawale Scholarship for New Americans
- Based on financial need, to a full-time or part-time student.
- Preference to incoming Capital University Law School students who have participated in the immigration process themselves or have parents or grandparents who did participated in the immigration process.
Paralegal Scholarship
- Applicants admitted to the J.D. program who also hold a Paralegal Certification from an ABA approved paralegal program other than Capital University will be considered for the Paralegal Scholarship
- Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and vary in amount
Presidential Merit Scholarship
- Applicants are considered for this scholarship automatically as part of the application to Capital University Law School
- Awarded based on academic merit specifically related to an applicant's entering credentials
- Renewable each academic year provided the recipient maintains a 3.0 cumulative grade point average in the J.D. Program.
The S. Schiff Family Scholarship
- Annual scholarship based on financial need, to a full-time or part-time student.
- Preference will be for students who are members of the Black Law Student Association, Hispanic Law Student Association, or the Jewish Law Student Society.
Samuel H. Shamansky, LPA Merit Scholars Fund
- Cumulative law school GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrated financial need
David Shkolnik Memorial Scholarships
- Evening law students with demonstrated financial need
R. Scott Spriggs Merit Scholars Fund
- Cumulative law school GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Graduated from a high school located in Boyd, Carter or Greenup counties in Kentucky; Adams, Gallia, Jackson or Lawrence counties in Ohio; or Cabell, Lincoln or Wayne Counties in West Virginia
- Preference to students with demonstrated financial need
Rudov & Stein PC Scholarship
- Rising third-year full-time student whose GPA is in the third quartile of the class, who has achieved the greatest increase in law school GPA at the end of the second year compared to the end of the first year
- Preference given to a student from Ohio or Pennsylvania
C. Russell & Mary Jane Thompson Memorial Scholarship
- Evening student
- Preference given to students with financial need
Trustees' Merit Scholarship
- Applicants are considered for this scholarship automatically as part of the application to Capital University Law School
- Awarded based on academic merit specifically related to an applicant's entering credentials
- Renewable each academic year provided the recipient maintains a 3.0 cumulative grade point average in the J.D. Program.
Floyd D. Weatherspoon Endowed Scholarship for Employment Discrimination & Labor Law
- Demonstrated interest in practicing as a plaintiff attorney in the areas of employment discrimination and labor law
Floyd D. Weatherspoon Endowed Scholarship for Equal Justice
- Interest in practicing public interest law that directly assists African-Americans, particularly African-American males
The Robert Weiler Company Scholarship
- Awarded each year to an incoming African-American law student based on the strength of their scholarship application and strength of their entering credentials.
Weiler Scholars Fund
- Based on academic merit during the first year and demonstrated financial need
David D. White
- African-American students with commitment to community service
David D. and Francis A. White Scholarship
- African-American student who has achieved the highest grade point average at the end of the second year of law school.